god i hate these
do you support Bush a man who is going to draft me in 2 years if he is re-elected, and i can't do anything about it cause i'm 16, your qoutes are not real, you gotta check your resources! your against america, how about bush that fucking moron, the man that runs our country choked on the a pretzel wat a dumbass! he avoided service in vietnam, just cause his daddy was head of the CIA, i'm sorry but ur attacking the wrong man, and moore doesn't support socialism, he supports a true democracy, were the popular vote decides the winner, and free healthcare which is the way it should be, our system is corrupt basically i will qoute pennywise one of my favorite bands "Corparte Greed And Perverted Priests It's The Story Of Our Lives, And Apathy Is A NAtional Diease And There Is No End In SIght" that is wat america is, it's run by company's that bush and chaney and everyone else that surround them own, it bullshit and moore gave us a view of them from a diffrent angle respond do wat ever defend who urself! but ur just a fucking shit and by the way halle berry is hot, and if uknew about the female body you would know always one tit sags lower then the other unless you get surgery! so fuck you It just comes down to u hating rich people, because there not as smart as you, but to sing or act you don't ahve to be that smart, but to be president you do! i wanna hear wat u gotta say!